Dave Hammond here new president of the arm part RC club or recycled president of the Arnprior RC club
First off we’d like to thank all those who came out to the fall clean up and AGM. It was a blustery day, but we managed to get a lot ready for 2019. Some notable accomplishments. The airplane-eater tree/shrub on the east approach was cut up and burned ! We found Bob J’s landing gear from an incident earlier this summer in the tree.
We have a new vice president elected, Mike Ingham. The remainder of the executive has stayed constant. We have some a few items that are some big news for 2019.
- Congratulations to all of our new members in 2018 who got their wings!
- James Recoskie
- Brian Wright
- Anton Lebar
- Adam Aubé
- Zone Fun Fly: We are not going to be hosting the Zone fun fly this year. The event will be held at the Brockville Flying Club.
- 2019 Fees: The other big item is that the club voted to increase dues. Given our financial conditions coming in 2019, the club needed to add some in additional income to augment operational cost and to ensure that we keep ahead of our costs. The new membership fee is structured at $75 for a regular member and $100 for a family membership and still $30 just for AR15 or teenager.
Emails will be sent out to the membership with some additional updates soon. Look forward to a few more flying days in 2018 and a fun 2019 season. Thanks everyone for a great 2018 year!
Dave Hammond & Mike Ingham
- 2018 ARCC AMG and Clean Up