General Club Flight Rules
- Training nights are reserved for student training. Priority shall be given to student training flights.
- Pilots will call out “dead stick” or “flame-out” when appropriate and will be given priority for landing.
- Pilots will follow the general traffic pattern established according to wind direction.
- Pilots are to clearly announce any intention to encroach upon the runway when flying is taking place.
- Pilots are to clearly announce their intentions for taxiing onto the runway, takeoffs, stand or hand launches, low passes, very low passes, very low inverted passes, and landings.
- When full scale aircraft are near or over the field, pilots will safely descend and land.
- Pilots must fly from one of the four pilot stations next to the runway.
- Pilots must display valid ARCC and MAAC memberships while flying.
- Members and visitors must be able to produce membership, certification and registration documents upon request.
- ARCC members who sponsor guests are responsible to ensure guests follow all the ARCC Club Rules.
- ARCC Club By-Laws are found here.
- Every pilot must be a current member of the Model Aeronautics Association of Canada (MAAC)
- Pilots who do not properly follow the safety rules will be first given a verbal warning. After repeated infractions, the pilot will be disciplined with either a suspension or restriction, or have his membership revoked at the discretion of the ARCC executive.
- Relax, have fun, share a laugh, make memories.
- No aircraft engines or electric aircraft motors will be started or run in the pits.
- Batteries of electric airplanes, including small park fliers, are to be connected only in the start-up area.
- No electric powered aircraft are to be left unattended with the ESC (electronic speed control) armed.
- Pilots must use the designated start-up areas outside of pits for engine starts and run-ups.
- When starting or doing run-ups, aircraft are to be oriented so that the propeller and nose of the aircraft is pointed away from the pits, pilot stations, and flight line.
- Helicopters can be flown on the runway with other aircraft.
- No flying is permitted behind the flightline. The flightline is a line running parallel to the runway in front of the pilots’ stations and extending to the horizon on either end of the runway.
- Pilots are not to overfly vehicles or people at any time.
- After landing, aircraft engines are to be shut down once clear of the runway and before entering the start-up area.
- Absolutely no flying during grass-cutting or if the farmer is working in the field.
- The layout of the designated flying area and adequacy of all related safety requirements shall be reconsidered, checked and confirmed on an annual basis by the ARCC Executive.
Flying Field Rules & Etiquette
- Have fun. Be courteous.
- All vehicles are to be parked in the designated parking areas only.
- All garbage is to be taken home for disposal. LNT in effect at our field. (Leave No Trace!)
- Aircraft and equipment are to be kept in the pits when not flying or doing run-ups.
- When starting or doing run-ups, aircraft are to be oriented so that the propeller and nose of the aircraft is pointed away from the pits, pilot stations, and flight line.
Procedures in the event of an incident
In the event of an incident. Please follow these steps.
- Please do not discuss or admit to any responsibility after an incident as this could compromise our position. Contact a member of the ARCC Executive as soon as safe to do so.
- Arrange for medical attention immediately if required. Call 911. The field address is posted near the large shelter.
- Incidents and accidents are to be reported to the ARCC Executive who will review the incident and take any necessary action. The ARCC Executive will report the incident to MAAC as necessary.
- See about us for club executive contact info and phone numbers.
- You can also send us an email here with details – Contact Us Page