This year’s Fall Cleanup will be Saturday Oct 23rd with a rain date of the 24th. This year’s cleanup will consist of the following:
- Washrooms washed. We’ll need a generator and a pressure washer.
- New Flight stations built and the fence behind the flight station removed.
- Flight stations will be built out of abs pipe and made in a way they can be removed/lifted and stored in the trailer over the winter. We will pre-buy the ABS pipe and glue.
- New plastic snow fence and some of the steel posts repaired.
- The road looks great but maybe a walk to clean up any branches
- Cleaning of the trailer. Garbage, expired propane tanks, recycling to be taken away. Trevor has offered to bring his trailer for this.
- Someone with a lightweight vehicle and a good radio to roll the runway. I will bring the hitch for the roller. Will fit in a 2 inch receiver.
I’ll send an email a few days before to confirm who is bringing tools, material, lunch, etc to make sure we’re covered for all of the tasks. We’ll aim to start at 9AM sharp and deploy teams to the various tasks as in past years.
If you have any topics to discuss at the meeting, please let me know and we’ll add them to the agenda for the noon meeting. The standing agenda is:
- Message from the President
- Update from the Treasurer on finances
- Wings presentations by the CFI.