It is the time of year for an ARCC fall update.
The club exec would like to extend a warm thank you for the members that helped out with the fall cleanup.
We had a great turnout of 20+ members that made short work of the tasks that needed attending to before the end of the season. This was followed by a BBQ and the fall club meeting and of course lots of flying due to the great weather
Old Business
- No items were discussed.
New Business
- Yours truly was elected club secretary. I would like to thank Dave Asquini for his tenure as the club Secretary, he did a great job over his 11 plus years in this position.
- The club is in good financial order as Robert Aube provided a short update on the finances and started accepting 2023 memberships.
- Several new members received their wings which is great news as Dom, Eric and Robert put in a lot of their time to ensure the Wed night student training is successful.
- It was decided to Extend the shelter to provide more shade during the summer sun. More on this at the spring meeting in 2023.
We are planning on hosting several events this year with dates to be finalized
- Huckin in the Valley will be back, if you need information contact Matt McGuire
- Aerotow will be back, more to follow on this.
- A new event, ARCC has been asked if the field could be used to hold an IMAC event, more information to follow.
For all the new members that do not have a pic (Hero Shot) on the members section, please send me a pic of you and your plane. We are going to update the members page with new faces and remove inactive members from it. please send photos to me NLT 30 Nov.
At my turnover, we discussed holding a Swap meet or Auction, Kevin Denton may be able to secure a venue for a low key event, we may extend the invite to the other clubs in the area to make this an Ottawa wide function. Please send a note if you would like to attend, once we get a indication of interest a plan will be developed and a more formal email will follow.
Stay safe and enjoy the building season.
Looking fwd to seeing new toys at the field next year!