Good Day All, with all the hoopla with the current health concerns and the possibility of either another Phase of the Covid 19 Virus, future Provincial/Municipal restrictions and the foreseeable onslaught of colder weather there have been some changes to a few of our clubs planned events.
Sept 5-7
A general member camping weekend, bring your tents/trailers for a great weekend of camping and flying. All units should be self sufficient. The BBQ will be available.
Sunday Sept 6/20
In conjunction with the camping weekend, we have rescheduled the Family Fun Fly / Potluck Fun Fly from Sept 19 to Sun Sept 6. This will be run as a picnic (bring your own food) instead of a pot-luck due to current health concerns. BBQ will be available.
Sat Sept 26
The annual Aerotow has been cancelled by the CD for this year, open flying for all members.
Sat Oct 3 (Rain Date Sun Oct 4)
ARCC workparty and General Elections, rescheduled from Oct 24, most work will focus on repairing the fence from the trailer to the far end of the parking lot and general cleanup. some roadwork may be required due to current logging operations. More details to follow.