Arnprior Radio Control Club

Spring Clean Up and Semi Annual Meeting

This is a reminder that we will be holding our Spring clean up day this Saturday May 2.  We will also hold […]


We are Open

ARCC is open for the season! The long winter is finally over and the flying season is upon us. The field survived […]


Snowed in Still

With the warm weather approaching a trip to the field was in order to check on the status of the field and […]


Field Still Snowy

Our field is still very much snowed in.  With the last spring and heavy snow this winter, we are looking at minimum […]


Little Club Big Impact

If you haven’t seen the latest version of MAAC Magazine, for a little club we sort of killed it 🙂  Check out […]


Need a simulator – RealFlight has a deal

If you are in the market for a new simular this just came across my news feed. Real Flight 7.5 now has […]


MAAC Renewals

Don’t forget it’s time to renew your MAAC memberships. Spring is around the corner, don’t let the flying season catch you off […]


Swap your gear

Don’t forget tomorrow is the swam meet with our friends in Cornwall. November 29th


Thank You Dave Hammond

This past weekend was our fall clean up and Club AGM. As most of you know Dave Hammond has stepped down after […]


Year End Meeting at Fall Clean up

We have had another Great Season, and as it nears a close , we have our year end meeting. It will be […]