Arnprior Radio Control Club

Road for Zone Fun Fly

Huge thank to all those who came out to work on the road and get the field ready for the up coming […]


1st Stittsville Scouts Learn to Fly

This winter the ARCC was approached by a local scout troop about checking out the field and model aviation.  Quickly it was […]


Open for Business

After a huge response from the membership on less than ideal weather day, the field is open! Lots of hands on deck […]


Spring Clean Up

The executives were out today so we are planning the spring clean up and meeting on Saturday April 28. We want to […]


Road Update

Took a little trip into the road today to check on the progress. Walked in from Galetta Side Road as the frost […]


Still snowed in

Just wanted to post a quick update on the status of the field.  It’s still very snowed in.  There is a lot […]


Pub Night Success

Wow! What a great evening! Thanks to everyone who turned out! We estimate that almost half the club joined in for an […]


Renew your MAAC

It’s that time of year again, it’s time to renew our memberships.


Fall Clean Up and AGM 2017

Thanks to everyone who showed up to help tidy up the field for winter.  We opened up part of the parking area […]


Thank you volunteers

Huge thanks to all the volunteers who put in so much work to make the zone fun fly a huge success.  These […]