Arnprior Radio Control Club

Fall Clean Up and AGM

The year end fall meeting had 17 members attend to button up the airfield for the onset of winter, The new washroom […]


Thank you Larry Ing

If you have been to an event over the last few years, you’ve inevitably run into Larry diligently snapping away at the […]


Game of Thrones & Water Woes (Again)

The new and improved outhouses have now been installed and are ready for use, Road repairs also saw a couple of new […]


Open for business

After a massive clean up we are open for business for the 2019 flying season. A big thank you to all those […]


Water World

Mother nature is wreaking havoc on our road and parking area. The record snow fall in the region isn’t melting at a […]


Field Clean Up Date Moved

As winter just won’t release her ugly grip, we are moving the date of the field clean up and Spring AGM to […]


Winter Road Opening

In preparation for spring Trevor and Christina French, Dave Hammond and Mike Ingram have been going extra mile out there in the […]


Upcoming Release of Canadian Aviation Regulations

Some changes coming down the piple line for all those who fly FPV. Check out the letter that was just emailed to […]


Fall Flying Fun

Cool and sunny and no wind, what a great day to wind up a pretty wet and miserable week. This could possibly […]


2018 AGM

Dave Hammond here new president of the arm part RC club or recycled president of the Arnprior RC club 🙂 First off […]